Questions - Lawyers - April 4-5, 2014
60% Say There Are Too Many Lawyers in the U.S.
National Survey of
1,000 Adults
Conducted April 4-5,
By Rasmussen Reports
Are you or is someone in your family a lawyer?
Are there too many lawyers in America or not enough?
Is it possible to win a case in court without a lawyer?
Is it a good thing or a bad thing that most members of Congress are lawyers?
Is it too easy or too hard to file a lawsuit in the United States? Or is the
level of difficulty about right?
Are frivolous lawsuits driving up the cost of health care, insurance and other
products and services?
Should those who file a lawsuit be responsible for all court costs if they lose
that lawsuit?
8* Should the government put a cap on the amount of money a
jury can award a plaintiff in a lawsuit?
Does most money won in lawsuits go to plaintiffs or
to their lawyers?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3
percentage points with a 95% level of confidence