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September 8, 2015

It’s The Late Show With Stephen Colbert!

Former Comedy Central host Stephen Colbert will be taking over hosting duties on CBS-TV’s The Late Show tonight, but what do Americans think of David Letterman’s replacement?

September 7, 2015

It's Labor Day At Last

More Americans than ever view Labor Day as it was intended - to honor working Americans - but few still regard it as one of the nation’s most important holidays.

September 3, 2015

Voters Think Government Programs Hurt The Poor

Increasing problems in the inner city including rocketing murder rates have prompted a number of politicians to call for more government funding aimed at low-income Americans. But most continue to question the effectiveness of federal poverty programs and think too many are already dependent on the government’s dime.

September 3, 2015

Should Feds Have Final Say on Landmark, Place Names?

President Obama announced this week that the federal government is changing the name of Alaska's highest mountain, Mount McKinley, back to Denali, an old Indian name. Voters in Alaska have long sought the change but haven't been able to get the U.S. Department of Interior's approval.

September 2, 2015

58% Think There's A War on Police in America Today

With officers murdered in Texas and Illinois in just the last few days, most voters now believe the police are under attack in America and blame politicians critical of the cops for fanning the flames.

August 27, 2015

Americans Rate School Start Times, Level of Homework

Should school take up more of a student's day?

August 26, 2015

Should Schools Be Open Already?

School is in session in many places around the country, but Americans still tend to think it’s starting too early.

August 14, 2015

Americans Back Local Cops Even More

While protests continue in Ferguson, Missouri one year after the shooting death of a black teenager by a white police officer, most Americans have an even more positive view of their local police and don’t consider their tactics out of line.

Rena Schild / Shutterstock.com
August 13, 2015

Will Ferguson Protests Make A Bad Situation Worse?

Americans don’t have much good to say about the protests this week in Ferguson, Missouri on the one-year anniversary of the Michael Brown incident.

August 6, 2015

Will 'Mockingbird' Fans Read the Sequel?

Many regard the 1960 novel "To Kill A Mockingbird" as one of the most significant American literary achievements of the 20th Century. It was author Harper Lee's only book, so the literary world - and countless readers - were stunned when it was recently announced that Lee had written a sequel, "Go Set A Watchman," which had just been discovered in a bank safe-deposit box.

Randy Miramontez / Shutterstock.com
July 22, 2015

Americans Turn on Cosby

As more damning evidence is released regarding Bill Cosby’s history of alleged sexual assaults, Americans have a much more negative view of the legendary comedian but stop short of calling for his Presidential Medal of Freedom to be revoked.

July 3, 2015

Americans Are Staying Put This 4th of July Weekend

Independence Day still ranks among the nation’s most important holidays for Americans, and many are choosing to stay close to home this holiday weekend.

June 23, 2015

Voters Are OK With FDA Nixing Trans Fats

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced last week that food companies have three years to phase out partially hydrogenated oils, the main source of trans fat, and voters appear to be on board with the idea.

June 19, 2015

Fatherhood Still An Important Role

Father’s Day is this Sunday, and while voters don’t put much importance on the holiday itself, they still strongly believe in the importance of fatherhood.

June 11, 2015

To Metric or Not to Metric – That is the Question

Is America ready – finally – to go metric along with the rest of the world? No more miles, pounds and inches, but kilometers, grams and centimeters instead.

May 25, 2015

Most Salute Importance of Memorial Day

Most Americans consider Memorial Day an important U.S. holiday, and an even larger number plan to do something special to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

May 22, 2015

Summertime's Here - Or Is It?

Summer doesn’t technically begin for another month, but most Americans still view Memorial Day weekend as the kickoff of their favorite season.

May 21, 2015

A Lot of Americans Have Had a Car Crash

Most Americans admit they've been in a traffic accident while behind the wheel.

May 20, 2015

Americans Still Question What College Grads Have to Offer

Americans are slightly less negative about the job prospects for the latest batch of college graduates but still aren’t very confident these graduates have much to offer prospective employers.