For 49%, Veterans Day Is One of America's Most Important Holidays
Forty-nine percent (49%) of Americans consider Veterans Day to be one of the nation’s most important holidays, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.
Forty-nine percent (49%) of Americans consider Veterans Day to be one of the nation’s most important holidays, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.
Tomorrow is Veterans Day, a holiday to honor those who have died to defend this country, and Americans continue to hold the U.S. military in very high regard.
Most Americans continue to oppose text messaging and talking on the cell phone while driving.
When it comes to age requirements for driving, the debate is typically focused on younger drivers.
Adults nationwide continue to be concerned about childhood obesity in America, and most believe American children are more overweight than those of other countries.
Kids may soon be smiling less in San Francisco. The city's Board of Supervisors approved an ordinance last week that would limit toy giveaways in fast-food orders like McDonald's Happy Meals unless they are made more nutritious.
Americans will get an extra hour this Sunday morning, but nearly half don’t think the benefits of Daylight Saving Time are worth the inconvenience.
Don’t look for the return of Prohibition any time soon. While a sizable number of Americans say they don’t drink, very few think alcohol should be outlawed despite a new study that says it is more dangerous to society than heroin and cocaine.
Halloween is here, but nearly one-out-of-three (31%) Americans say they aren’t doing anything special for the holiday this year, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.
Have you ever felt an unexplained chill down your spine? Or found a cabinet door open after you were sure you closed it? Well, maybe you're not alone.
It’s Columbus Day, and although most Americans say we should continue to honor Christopher Columbus’ achievement with a national holiday, not nearly as many consider it the most important.
Half of Americans believe that life in the United States would be better if more Americans lived as Christians. This number has dropped significantly from two years ago, when 61% thought life would be better with more Christian values.
As of late, news of bullying in schools has been taking the country by storm.
Most adults can say they are doing all right these days.
What were the best years of your life? People have many different opinions, but for most Americans, the 20s through the 40s reign.
NASA just received the budget go-ahead for one last manned shuttle launch, but most Americans think the historic shuttle program has been well worth the money.
“American Idol” producers announced last week that actress and singer Jennifer Lopez and Aerosmith front man Steven Tyler are the new judges on the popular reality show. Though the show doesn’t return until 2011, a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 25% of Adults already say they are less likely to watch next season because of the new judges.
As Yogi Berra says, “It’s like deja vu all over again.”
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