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February 13, 2010

What Did You Do Last Week?

So what were Americans up to over the past week?

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February 12, 2010

67% Want to Dine with Someone Special on Valentine's Day

February 14 is upon us, and this Valentine's Day 67% want to celebrate by having dinner with someone special.

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February 9, 2010

50% See Abstinence-Only Programs As Effective, 42% Disagree

Half (50%) of American adults believe abstinence-only education programs are at least somewhat effective in preventing teen pregnancy, but that finding includes just 15% who say they are very effective.

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February 7, 2010

Game Day: 62% Plan To Watch Super Bowl XLIV

Sixty-two percent (62%) of Americans plan to watch the Indianapolis Colts and the New Orleans Saints slug it out today in Super Bowl XLIV.

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February 7, 2010

45% Agree With CBS’ Decision To Run Tebow Ad, 30% Disagree

The University of Florida’s Heisman Trophy-winning quarterback Tim Tebow won’t be on the field today, but more people may be watching him than on any previous game day.

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February 6, 2010

Fans Rooting For Saints But Predict Colts Will Win Super Bowl

Despite this season’s outstanding performance by Drew Brees and the New Orleans Saints, nearly half of Americans who will be watching Super Bowl XLIV say they are no match for the formidable Peyton Manning and his Indianapolis Colts.

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February 6, 2010

75% Say Movie Ticket Prices Too High

Ask moviegoers about ticket prices, and they’re likely to give them two thumbs down.

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February 5, 2010

49% of Super Bowl Watchers Plan to Watch "Intensely"

Super Bowl XLIV is two days away, and just under half (49%) of adults who plan on watching the big game say they will be watching it intensely, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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February 4, 2010

52% Likely to Watch A Lot of the Olympics On TV

The 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada start next week, and a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 52% of adults say they are at least somewhat likely to watch a large portion of the upcoming games on television. Of that number, however, only 20% say they are very likely to do so.

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January 26, 2010

23% Say They Spend Too Much Time Online

Americans increasingly live in a world of cell phones, laptops, Blackberries, desk computers and more, all wirelessly linked to the Internet, and now automakers even plan front-seat computers in some cars.

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January 25, 2010

75% Say Children Spend Too Much Time Using Electronic Devices

Three-out-of-four Americans (75%) believe young children spend too much time on computers and other electronic devices, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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January 25, 2010

55% Say Favre Likely to Retire

Heading into yesterday’s NFL American and National Conference championship games, fans expected the Indianapolis Colts and Minnesota Vikings to meet in the Super Bowl.

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January 24, 2010

Vikings Remain Top Pick to Win Super Bowl, Colts to Win AFC

Thirty-four percent (34%) of football fans expect the Minnesota Vikings to win their first Super Bowl championship this year.

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January 21, 2010

46% Oppose Inviting Haitian Refugees to U.S.

Authorities are preparing for a potential surge of Haitian refugees to the United States following their country’s horrific earthquake.

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January 18, 2010

83% Have A Favorable View of Martin Luther King

As the nation celebrates Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday today, 83% of Americans have a favorable opinion of the civil rights leader who was assassinated in 1968. That group includes 47% with a very favorable view of him.

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January 17, 2010

37% of Americans Sending Cash for Relief Efforts in Haiti

The heartbreaking news from Haiti is being followed closely by 78% of American adults nationwide. That figure includes 40% who are following the grim realities Very Closely in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake.

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January 17, 2010

Only 40% Believe Space Shuttle Has Been Worth The Cost

NASA plans five more space shuttle missions this year, the first in early February, and then the historic shuttle program will come to an end.

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January 15, 2010

50% Favor Cutting Back on Space Exploration

Fifty percent (50%) of Americans now say the United States should cut back on space exploration given the current state of the economy, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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January 13, 2010

31% Say NBC Treating Conan O’Brien Unfairly

Nearly a week after NBC announced it was canceling Jay Leno’s prime-time show and moving him back to his 11:30 pm time slot, Conan O'Brien, the current host of the network's "The Tonight Show," announced he will not go along with its plans to push him later in the night.

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January 12, 2010

87% Oppose Front-Seat Computers For Drivers

For the driver already juggling a cell phone and a burger as he’s heading down the highway, it’s the next big thing: An Internet-connected dashboard computer. The perfect front-seat addition, eh?