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Commentary by Froma Harrop

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January 2, 2014

Never Too Late to Start Up by Froma Harrop

Could an aging population be good for economic growth? I mean, isn't it an accepted fact that our economy will suffer as more Americans pass age 65 and start sitting around all day, soaking up government benefits?

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December 31, 2013

Obama May Be Best Economic President Ever by Froma Harrop

Lend me your ears. I have come to praise President Obama and bury the myth that Republican presidents are better for the economy than Democratic presidents. Not only do Democrats produce superior economic results but they blow Republicans out of the water in the comparisons.

Let's turn the mic over to Bob Deitrick, a principal at Polaris Financial Partners in Westerville, Ohio. Deitrick crunched 80 years of numbers. Politically, 1929 to 2009 were exactly divided -- 40 years under Republican presidents and 40 under Democrats.

Follow Froma Harrop on Twitter @FromaHarrop. She can be reached at [email protected]. To find out more about Froma Harrop and read features by other Creators writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Web page at www.creators.com.


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December 26, 2013

Social Security Gets More Politically Secure by Froma Harrop

Proposals to raise Social Security benefits are a refreshing antidote to portrayals of the program as a mere drain on the Treasury. Details of some such plans are troubling -- for reasons I'll go into -- but the change in tone is most welcome.

Democratic Senators Tom Harkin of Iowa and Sherrod Brown of Ohio are leading a campaign to raise benefits by about $70 a month and alter the cost-of-living adjustments to the beneficiary's advantage. The higher payments would be covered by raising the income cap, which is now $113,700, on paying Social Security taxes.

Follow Froma Harrop on Twitter @FromaHarrop. She can be reached at [email protected]. To find out more about Froma Harrop and read features by other Creators writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Web page at www.creators.com.


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December 23, 2013

Reality Has Its Risks by Froma Harrop

The honchos at A&E, professing shock that an old Southern redneck from their reality TV hit "Duck Dynasty" made the sort of homophobic remarks one would expect from an old Southern redneck, yanked Phil Robertson off the show. A culture war skirmish ensued.

Gay rights groups condemned Robertson, who shared his raw opinions in a GQ Magazine interview. Religious conservatives, meanwhile, accused A&E of censoring the Louisiana duck hunter. What Robertson said, they noted, is right there in scripture, in Corinthians I.

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December 20, 2013

Security Versus Privacy by Froma Harrop

This week, a guard insisted on looking into my handbag as I entered Radio City Music Hall to see the Christmas Spectacular. He had absolutely no reason to suspect me or the hundreds of other patrons whose bags he similarly inspected of carrying guns or explosives. But none of us objected to the incursion.

Speaking for myself, I didn't want to get blown up by a terrorist or other psychopath bent on mayhem in this iconic and people-packed venue. A minor invasion of my handbag seemed a fair trade-off.

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December 17, 2013

Living to Oneself in the Age of Twitter By Froma Harrop

Let us repair to the wild English hearth of 1821, where William Hazlitt is contemplating contemplation. 

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December 12, 2013

How We Really Feel About Economic Inequality by Froma Harrop

Americans don't care much about rising economic inequality, recent surveys suggest. But that's not quite right.

The public may know that the top 10 percent pulled in about half of pretax income in 2012 -- and that income inequality is the widest it's been since right before the Great Depression. Its brain understands that these trends are not good for the society.

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December 10, 2013

About That Biden 'Gaffe' in Tokyo By Froma Harrop

We know that about 20,000 pseudo-, semi- and real journalists "cover" Washington. We know that mid-December is slow-time in the nation's capital as the public turns its attention to the holidays. But big news or no, the scriveners tending political websites must still, as they say, "feed the beast" and take it out for a walk three times a day.

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December 6, 2013

Consumer Finance Needs Better Morals by Froma Harrop

Drawing moral lines in our rough-and-tumble capitalist system can be hard. But it should not tax too many ethical muscles to set aside some protections for trusting, unsophisticated borrowers of modest means. That is, unless you're a politician working on behalf of predatory lenders.

And it's amazing how many politicians do, making the recent successes of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau seem all the more miraculous. The CFPB was created in 2010 to set rules of the road for consumer financial products -- mortgages, student loans, payday loans and such.

Follow Froma Harrop on Twitter @FromaHarrop. She can be reached at [email protected]. To find out more about Froma Harrop and read features by other Creators writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Web page at www.creators.com.


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December 4, 2013

Will Americans Pay for American-Made? by Froma Harrop

Wow, this T-shirt costs only $8. Great color. Problem is, your finger could punch a hole through it. In most Americans' shopping experience, colors change and styles come and go, but there's one constant: low quality and a sweatshop-country label.

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December 2, 2013

Data Debris and the Time of Our Lives By Froma Harrop

An elderly friend I'll call Jeff perfectly summed up the stress of digital living. He'd read an article on the race by cyber-merchants to get online purchases into consumers' hands within an hour of their pushing the "place your order" button. One such service, eBay Now, has its own app enabling shoppers to follow the delivery people as they bike or drive to their address.

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November 26, 2013

The Greatness of Obamacare By Froma Harrop

During the botched rollout of the Affordable Care Act, it's been hard to defend the law, much less to call it "great." But great it is -- for the American economy and for the American people, rich ones included.

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November 22, 2013

'Wild Turkey on the Rocks?' By Froma Harrop

Much we believe about turkeys is not true.

Myth No. 1: They were served at the "first Thanksgiving" feast in Plymouth, Mass. There's no evidence for that.

The Plymouth Colony governor, an observer wrote, "sent foure men on fowling" for the dinner. Fowling is an Old English reference to waterfowl. So ducks and geese were probably on the menu, not turkey.

Myth No. 2: Benjamin Franklin proposed that the wild turkey become the national symbol. He did call the bald eagle a bird "of bad moral Character" and praised the turkey as a "Bird of Courage." But he didn't endorse one bird over the other.

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November 19, 2013

Calm in the Health Care Storm By Froma Harrop

The bungled launch of the federal health insurance website has unleashed significant disorder -- but not everywhere. Life remains calm in many states that set up their own health care exchanges.

Some are so confident of the rightness of the health care reforms that they're rejecting President Obama's proposal to let people keep their inadequate health insurance policies.

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November 14, 2013

The Last Farm Bill? By Froma Harrop

Many conservatives want farm bills to stop coupling food stamps to agricultural subsidies. They see the linkage as an unsavory deal between urban Democrats and rural Republicans to waste the people's money.

But not all conservatives are principled conservatives. Principled conservatives oppose the farm subsidies as a monstrous example of corporate welfare. The other kind thinks it can strip spending from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program while preserving the farm rip-offs.

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November 12, 2013

Wheels of Misfortune by Froma Harrop

The problem of America's congested roads has long been simple: too many tires vying for a fixed amount of pavement. But with a growing bicycle culture joining the car culture, the difficulties have expanded greatly. The conveyances now travel at very different speeds, follow different rules of the road and expose their operators to vastly different levels of physical vulnerability.

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November 7, 2013

A President Christie Would Spell Tea Party's Doom by Froma Harrop

Mainstream Republicans are doing backflips over Chris Christie's frolic to re-election as governor of New Jersey. Here is a Republican who took on public employee unions, spoke out against abortion and gay marriage, and still scored a landslide win in a blue state. And he won Latinos' and women's votes, too.   

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November 1, 2013

The Problem With Twitter by Froma Harrop

Jofi Joseph was a smart guy -- up to a point. He rose smoothly through the foreign affairs establishment, boosted by a fancy fellowship and political connections. He ended up a staff member on the National Security Council.

But he led a second life on Twitter, using the handle @NatSecWonk to post snide comments about national security leaders. His droppings included such juvenile sexism as, "What's with the dominatrix-like black suit (national security adviser) Susan Rice is wearing at this announcement?" And sophomoric snark: "When was the last time (deputy national security adviser) Ben Rhodes said something not painfully banal and obvious?"

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October 30, 2013

Dracula Style By Froma Harrop

Dracula sets the bar high for timeless style. His refined silhouette and eclectic tastes make him an internationally recognizable figure. Fashion writers shifting and swerving through constant change still freeze in the vampire's presence. Some cultural figures, like Audrey, like Cary, like Jackie, create a signature look defying the march of trends. Dracula is one such fashion icon for the ages.

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October 24, 2013

Scandal in Candyland By Froma Harrop

Ever notice how some government programs draw the ire of almost everyone? Conservatives, liberals, environmentalists, libertarians, business, labor, consumers and grouchy taxpayers are all opposed. Yet these programs go on as though directed by an unstoppable particle beam from a neighboring galaxy. The public rarely sees who in Washington keeps the outrage in motion, and that's how "they" get away with it.

The sugar support program is one such curiosity. We will get into the "who" and "how," but first an explanation of why almost everyone hates it.