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Commentary By John Stossel

Most Recent Releases

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February 28, 2018

The Political Oscars Bu John Stossel

Sunday, Hollywood sycophants give out Oscars.

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February 21, 2018

Pay Your Dues! By John Stossel

If your workplace is a union shop, are you forced to pay union dues? Next week, the Supreme Court will hear arguments about that.

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February 14, 2018

Success Academy By John Stossel

Kids who attend New York City's Success Academy charter schools do remarkably well.   

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February 7, 2018

Silk Road By John Stossel

Ross Ulbricht was a quiet nerd -- an Eagle Scout who never cursed.

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January 31, 2018

Freedom Ranking By John Stossel

Is America the world's freest country? Sadly, no.    

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January 24, 2018

Keep It Closed! By John Stossel

The government is open again. That's too bad.

One day, one of these shutdowns should be permanent. We would still have far more government than the Founding Fathers envisioned.

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January 17, 2018

Selling Hate By John Stossel

Who will warn Americans about hate groups? The media know: the Southern Poverty Law Center.   

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January 10, 2018

Punish Poor People By John Stossel

Store owner Kamal Saleh was just hit with thousands of dollars in fines.    

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January 3, 2018

Election Odds By John Stossel

President Trump is up 3 percent!

I refer to the betting odds. Gamblers (mostly in Europe because political bets are legal there) now give the president a 53 percent chance of finishing his first term.

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December 20, 2017

Deadly Isms By John Stossel

People want politics to be simple. Left vs. right. Clinton vs. Trump. My side vs. your side. Elect the right guy, and things will be good!

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December 13, 2017

Liberate Food Trucks By John Stossel

Laura Pekarik bakes cupcakes and sells them from a food truck. Her truck provided a great opportunity, letting her open a business without having to spend big to hire a staff and rent space in a building.

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December 6, 2017

I Hate The New York Times By John Stossel

My hometown paper drives me crazy.

I read The New York Times because it often has good coverage. The newspaper pays to send reporters to dangerous places all around the world.

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November 29, 2017

The Evil Rich By John Stossel

As Republicans struggle to agree on a tax plan, Democrats and much of the media label each attempt at reform a "gift" to rich people.

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November 22, 2017

Thankful for Property By John Stossel

Ready for Thanksgiving? Before you eat that turkey, I hope you think about why America has turkeys for you to eat. Most people don't know.

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November 15, 2017

Legalize Sex Work By John Stossel

Who owns our bodies? I think, we do.

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November 8, 2017

Simpler Tax Simplification By John Stossel

As you read this, President Trump's tax plan is being debated. Congress will change it. Where this ends, no one knows.

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November 1, 2017

Communism Turns 100 By John Stossel

This year marks the hundredth anniversary of one of the worst mistakes ever made: the Communist revolution in Russia.    

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October 25, 2017

A Private Military By John Stossel

We've fought in Afghanistan for 16 years now. Are we making progress?   

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October 18, 2017

A CNN Smear By John Stossel

Did you happen to catch CNN's latest smear?   

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October 11, 2017

Let Them Leave By John Stossel

The United States was born when the Founding Fathers seceded from England.