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Commentary By John Stossel

Most Recent Releases

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May 17, 2017

Cruel and Stupid By John Stossel

President Trump's attorney general, Jeff Sessions, ordered federal prosecutors to seek maximum penalties for drug-related crimes.

This is both cruel and stupid.

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May 10, 2017

Improved Health Bill by John Stossel

The House repealed Obamacare!

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May 3, 2017

Break the Chains By John Stossel

My head spins.   

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April 26, 2017

The Next President by John Stossel

Will Donald Trump be re-elected in 2020?

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April 19, 2017

Earth Day Dopes By John Stossel

Expect more craziness this weekend. Earth Day is Saturday. This year's theme: Government must "do more" about climate change because "consequences of inaction are too high to risk."

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April 12, 2017

Warrior Trump by John Stossel

Somehow, firing Tomahawk missiles at Syria suddenly changed people's opinions of President Trump. Now they call him a "serious" leader.

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April 5, 2017

Enough Protection Already by John Stossel

"Trump may have just signed a death warrant for our planet!" warns CNN host Van Jones.

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March 29, 2017

Free Market Care by John Stossel

The law mandates benefits and offers subsidies to more people. Insurers must cover things like:

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March 22, 2017

Kindest Cuts by John Stossel

"Devastating!" shouts Chuck Schumer. Even Republicans are unhappy. Big spending "conservative" congressman Hal Rogers calls President Donald Trump's proposed budget cuts "draconian, careless and counterproductive."

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March 15, 2017

Ignorant Media By John Stossel

Has the media gotten worse? Or am I just grouchier?   

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March 8, 2017

Killing Big Bird by John Stossel

Next week, Donald Trump releases his new budget. It's expected to cut spending on things like the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

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March 1, 2017

The Bloated Military By John Stossel

Donald Trump once wanted to cut military spending.  

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February 22, 2017

Fake News by John Stossel

"Fake News!" shouts our president, calling out CNN, The New York Times and others.

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February 15, 2017

Repeal! No, Wait! By John Stossel

Republicans promised to repeal the Affordable Care Act. But now they are hesitating.    

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February 8, 2017

Smearing Team Trump By John Stossel

Oh, no! I did it again.

It was a foolish mistake. But I slipped.

I read The New York Times.

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February 1, 2017

Trump Bubble Bursts By John Stossel


The bubble burst. My fantasy died.    

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January 25, 2017

DeVos SHOULD Have Said By John Stossel

Donald Trump's nominee for secretary of education, Betsy DeVos, probably survived the grilling she got from angry Democrats last week.    

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January 18, 2017

Trump's First Week By John Stossel

Donald Trump will be busy Friday.    

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January 11, 2017

Worst of Times by John Stossel

Now that I no longer do a weekly TV show, I have more time to read my local paper. Sadly, that's The New York Times.

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January 4, 2017

The Trump Years by John Stossel

Two more weeks until the new administration begins!