"GOP Poised to Reap Redistricting Rewards" by Michael Barone
Let's try to put some metrics on last Tuesday's historic election.
Let's try to put some metrics on last Tuesday's historic election.
Uncharted territory.
Heading into what appears to be a disastrous midterm election, the Obama Democrats profess to be puzzled.
Who is the largest single political contributor in the 2010 campaign cycle?
Out on the campaign trail, Barack Obama has given us his analysis of why his party is headed for significant losses in the election nine days hence.
One of the constant refrains of the so-called mainstream media is that tea party candidates are blithering incompetents and weird wackos. They may do well this year, the refrain goes, but when voters come to their senses, the Republican Party will pay a big price for embracing them.
Seven months ago, Speaker Nancy Pelosi spent a busy week rounding up votes to pass the Senate version of the Democrats' health care legislation.
I've been in campaign meetings. Sometimes the atmosphere is grim. Your side is down, and you're looking to turn things around.
It's an ornate office in Indiana's beautifully maintained mid-19th century Capitol, but the 49th governor of Indiana, Mitch Daniels, is not dressed to match the setting.
It's pretty clear that Democrats are less enthusiastic about voting this year than Republicans. The latest evidence comes from Gallup, which reports that Republicans' 3 percent edge in congressional voting among registered voters increases to 13 and 18 points when you include just those likely and very likely to actually vote.
It happened late Wednesday night, so it didn't get much coverage: Speaker Nancy Pelosi cast the deciding vote when the House voted, 210-209, to adjourn.
Here's an exercise for some evening when you're curious about big nationwide trends in this year's elections.
On Sept. 27, 1994, 367 Republican House members and candidates stood on the steps of the Capitol and endorsed what they called the Contract With America.
In Washington, I'm often asked how many seats Republicans will pick up in the House and whether they'll win a majority in the Senate. But I'm seldom asked anything about the 37 races for governor that will be decided next month (except for Georgia, which will have a runoff if no candidate tops 50 percent).
My subject today is the civil war raging in one of our great political parties, as highlighted in recent primary elections.
"There will be zero tolerance for this type of misinformation and unjustified rate increases."
When you spot the word "triage" in a political news story, you know someone is in trouble.
Imagine that you have a product whose price tag for decades rises faster than inflation. But people keep buying it because they're told that it will make them wealthier in the long run. Then, suddenly, they find it doesn't. Prices fall sharply, bankruptcies ensue, great institutions disappear.
Some of the most important things in history are things that didn't happen -- even though just about everyone thought they would.
Every 10 years, it's time for reapportionment and redistricting. The framers of the Constitution created the first regularly scheduled national census and required, for the first time that I am aware, that representation in a legislature be apportioned according to population.